
A pick list of the unit of measurement for the area. i.e. Square Feet, Square Meters, Acres, etc. This field applies to all farm area fields (Cultivated, Pasture, Range, Wooded)

Standard Name: FarmLandAreaUnits

Display Name: Farm Land Area Units

Group: Farming

Data Type: String List, Single

Suggested Maximum Length: 25

Suggested Maximum Precision: --

Synonyms(s): --

Field (Element) Status: ACTIVE


Record ID: 0a39b0d

Lookup Status: Open with Enumerations

Lookup: AreaUnits

Property Types: FARM

Payloads: --

Spanish Name: Unidades de Área de Tierra Agrícola

French-Canadian Name: --

Status Change Date: JUN 21 2016

Revision Date: JAN 11 2016

Added in Version: --


  • 29% of Systems (5/17)
  • 12% of Organizations (62/501)

Lookup Display Name (View expandable list.)

For more information on items displayed on this page, see Data Dictionary Terms and Meta Definitions.

RESO certifies against the Standard Name.

Display Name represents a recommendation for public display that MLSs and other data producers may use based on local, legal and language-based needs.

Page Revision Date: Nov 08 2023

Form: PropertyLookup