
ICAT recessed light fixtures are rated both to safely come in contact with insulation and are better airsealed. ICAT is an acronym for Insulation Contact/AirTight. They can be installed safely with insulation and air sealing. These lights are different from IC (Insulation Contact) fixtures, which are not very airtight. They can also be identified by the wording “Washington State Approved.” Documentation on the installation is recommended because ICAT rating often requires multiple components be used as specified by the manufacturer. Substitutions of components can negate the rating. See: <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a>


Lookup Value: ICAT Recessed Lighting

Legacy OData Value: IcatRecessedLighting

Lookup Name: ConstructionMaterials

Synonym(s):  --

Element Status: ACTIVE


Revision Date: MAY 10 2016

Version Added: 1.5.0

Lookup Name ID: da8d4f8

Lookup ID: 0957de2


Spanish (Lookup Display Name): Iluminación Empotrada ICAT

French-Canadian (Lookup Display Name): --

Lookup Status Change Date: JUN 21 2016


ConstructionMaterials (Property)

  • 24% of Systems (4/17)
  • <1% of Organizations (3/501)

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Page Revision Date: Nov 08 2023

Form: LookupValue