
Net operating income is the revenue from a property after operating expenses have been deducted, but before deducting income taxes and financing expenses (interest and Principal Payments). For example, Gross Income - Operating Expenses = Net Operating Income (NOI).

Standard Name: NetOperatingIncome

Display Name: Net Operating Income

Group: Financial

Data Type: Number

Suggested Maximum Length: 14

Suggested Maximum Precision: 2

Synonyms(s): --

Field (Element) Status: ACTIVE


Record ID: 06b3529

Lookup Status: --

Lookup: --

Property Types: RINC, COMS, COML, BUSO

Payloads: --

Spanish Name: Ingreso Operativo Neto

French-Canadian Name: --

Status Change Date: NOV 09 2011

Revision Date: APR 20 2012

Added in Version: --


  • 71% of Systems (12/17)
  • 49% of Organizations (244/501)

For more information on items displayed on this page, see Data Dictionary Terms and Meta Definitions.

RESO certifies against the Standard Name.

Display Name represents a recommendation for public display that MLSs and other data producers may use based on local, legal and language-based needs.

Page Revision Date: Nov 08 2023

Form: PropertySimple