
Structure includes multiple products that have a significant amount of postconsumer recycled content. Major green building programs tend to use 25 percent postconsumer recycled content as a threshold. Postindustrial recycled content tends to count toward overall content, but to a less scale. Some more common examples of recycled content materials include masonry, paving stones, or foundations with fly ash; aluminum gutters and downspouts; decking; drywall fibers, insulation, and house wrap; vinyl plastics; countertops; and cabinets, interior doors, or trim. More details are available on Home Innovation Research Labs “Browse Green Certified Products” tool or LEED Environmentally Preferred Products credit table.


Lookup Value: Recyclable Materials

Legacy OData Value: RecyclableMaterials

Lookup Name: GreenSustainability

Synonym(s):  --

Element Status: ACTIVE


Revision Date: OCT 09 2017

Version Added: 1.5.0

Lookup Name ID: 0c40148

Lookup ID: cd16494


Spanish (Lookup Display Name): Materiales para Reciclaje

French-Canadian (Lookup Display Name): --

Lookup Status Change Date: DEC 26 2018


GreenSustainability (Property)

  • 41% of Systems (7/17)
  • 3% of Organizations (14/501)

For more information on items displayed on this page, see Data Dictionary Terms and Meta Definitions.

Page Revision Date: Nov 08 2023

Form: LookupValue