
Ownership of an interest in a corporation which is formed primarily for the purpose of holding title to improved real property, either in fee simple or for a term of years. All or substantially all of the shareholders receive a right of exclusive occupancy of a portion of the real property, which right is transferable only concurrently with the transfer of the share(s) of stock in the corporation.


Lookup Value: Stock Cooperative

Legacy OData Value: StockCooperative

Lookup Name: CommonInterest

Synonym(s):  --

Element Status: ACTIVE


Revision Date: OCT 24 2016

Version Added: 1.6.0

Lookup Name ID: f880a9b

Lookup ID: f832ea7


Spanish (Lookup Display Name): Cooperativa de Bolsa

French-Canadian (Lookup Display Name): --

Lookup Status Change Date: AUG 09 2017


CommonInterest (Property)

  • 12% of Systems (2/17)
  • 1% of Organizations (6/501)

For more information on items displayed on this page, see Data Dictionary Terms and Meta Definitions.

Page Revision Date: Nov 08 2023

Form: LookupValue