
The number of partial bathrooms in the property being sold/leased. When used in combination with the BathroomsFull field, this replaces (or is the sum of) all half and one-quarter bathrooms. In the event that the BathroomsThreeQuarter field is not used, BathroomsFull replaces (or is the sum of) all full and three-quarters baths. This field should not be used in combination with the BathroomsOneQuarter or BathroomsHalf fields.

Standard Name: BathroomsPartial

Display Name: Bathrooms Partial

Group: Structure

Data Type: Number

Suggested Maximum Length: 3

Suggested Maximum Precision: --

Synonyms(s): --

Field (Element) Status: ACTIVE


Record ID: cd16597

Lookup Status: --

Lookup: --

Property Types: RESI, RLSE, RINC, MOBI, FARM

Payloads: IDX

Spanish Name: Baños Parciales

French-Canadian Name: Salles de bains partielles

Status Change Date: DEC 26 2018

Revision Date: JUN 17 2021

Added in Version: 1.4.0


  • 50% of Systems (10/20)
  • 6% of Organizations (30/480)

For more information on items displayed on this page, see Data Dictionary Terms and Meta Definitions.

RESO certifies against the Standard Name.

Display Name represents a recommendation for public display that MLSs and other data producers may use based on local, legal and language-based needs.

Page Revision Date: Apr 16 2024

Form: PropertySimple