
Ownership of an individual unit where each homeowner only owns their individual unit space and an undivided share in the ownership of common areas or in a common homeowner association (HOA). Generally, the ownership of the individual unit is described in a Condominium Plan and usually consists of ownership of the surface of the walls and the space within. The covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs) will detail what building components and other complex amenities are considered part of the common area and will describe the common area or HOA ownership percentages and maintenance responsibilities.


Lookup Value: Condominium

Legacy OData Value: Condominium

Lookup Name: CommonInterest

Synonym(s):  --

Element Status: ACTIVE


Revision Date: JUN 17 2021

Version Added: 1.6.0

Lookup Name ID: f880a9b

Lookup ID: 9cf7df4


Spanish (Lookup Display Name): Condominio

French-Canadian (Lookup Display Name): Copropriété

Lookup Status Change Date: AUG 09 2017


CommonInterest (Property)

  • 25% of Systems (5/20)
  • 3% of Organizations (15/480)

For more information on items displayed on this page, see Data Dictionary Terms and Meta Definitions.

Page Revision Date: Apr 16 2024

Form: LookupValue