
Spray foam or foam-in-place insulation can be sprayed into walls, on attic surfaces, or under floors to insulate and reduce air leakage. There are two types of foam-in-place insulation: closed-cell and open-cell. Both are typically made with polyurethane. Closed-cell foam has a greater insulation value and provides stronger resistance against moisture and air leakage. Open-cell foam is lighter and less expensive but should not be used below ground level where it could absorb water.


Lookup Value: Foam Insulation

Legacy OData Value: FoamInsulation

Lookup Name: ConstructionMaterials

Synonym(s):  --

Element Status: ACTIVE


Revision Date: JUN 17 2021

Version Added: 1.5.0

Lookup Name ID: da8d4f8

Lookup ID: f0adc82


Spanish (Lookup Display Name): Aislamiento de Espuma

French-Canadian (Lookup Display Name): Isolant en mousse

Lookup Status Change Date: JUN 21 2016


ConstructionMaterials (Property)

  • 25% of Systems (5/20)
  • 2% of Organizations (10/480)

For more information on items displayed on this page, see Data Dictionary Terms and Meta Definitions.

Page Revision Date: Apr 16 2024

Form: LookupValue