
The most important metric of a renewables system is the amount of power it produces per year. This number can be actual, estimated or a combination of each if less than 12 months of actual data is available (any missing months of actual data is extrapolated). This field allows the status of the number shown in the PowerProducationAnnual field to be clarified.

Standard Name: PowerProductionAnnualStatus

Display Name: Power Production Annual Status

Group: --

Data Type: String List, Single

Suggested Maximum Length: 25

Suggested Maximum Precision: --

Synonyms(s): --

Field (Element) Status: ACTIVE


Record ID: 2ae7b95

Lookup Status: Locked with Enumerations

Lookup: PowerProductionAnnualStatus

Payloads: --

Spanish Name: Estado de Producción de Energía Anual

French-Canadian Name: --

Status Change Date: AUG 09 2017

Revision Date: MAY 24 2017

Added in Version: 1.6.0


No Data Available

Lookup Display Name (View expandable list.)

For more information on items displayed on this page, see Data Dictionary Terms and Meta Definitions.

RESO certifies against the Standard Name.

Display Name represents a recommendation for public display that MLSs and other data producers may use based on local, legal and language-based needs.

Page Revision Date: Apr 16 2024

Form: OtherLookup