
Indicates a comprehensive infrastructure is in place on the property to more easily incorporate an on-site electric generation facility in the future. This can be confirmed via supporting documentation like a checklist provided by the Department of Energy (DOE) Zero Energy Ready Homes program. Solar photovoltaic (PV) ready, for example, would often include extensive efficiency measures such as insulation and appliances, architectural drawings that design for a clear roof space, installing conduit from the attic to the electric panel, dedicated circuits on the electric panel and leaving room near the panel for future components of a solar electric system, such as an inverter. Local requirements may vary. Source: DOE Zero Energy Ready Home (


Lookup Value: Ready for Renewables

Legacy OData Value: ReadyForRenewables

Lookup Name: Electric

Synonym(s):  --

Element Status: ACTIVE


Revision Date: JUN 17 2021

Version Added: 1.5.0

Lookup Name ID: 933dfc7

Lookup ID: 0b59436


Spanish (Lookup Display Name): Listo para Renovables

French-Canadian (Lookup Display Name): Prêt pour les énergies renouvelables

Lookup Status Change Date: JUN 21 2016


Electric (Property)

  • 20% of Systems (4/20)
  • 1% of Organizations (5/480)

For more information on items displayed on this page, see Data Dictionary Terms and Meta Definitions.

Page Revision Date: Apr 16 2024

Form: LookupValue